Overdose Prevention

Overdose Prevention

There were 37 drug overdose deaths in Marin in 2012, according to recently released California Vital Statistics data. This was  almost four times the number of motor vehicle deaths in that year.

The number of prescriptions written for narcotics in Marin County more than doubled between 2004 and 2013. This mirrors national trends in prescribing patterns and correlates to increased drug overdoses and addiction services admissions.

(Marin County Department of Health and Human Services, July 2014)

Overdose Response Kits

Overdose Response Kits are available at no cost to MTC clients, their friends and family members.  Each kit contains 2 doses of intranasal Narcan and instructions.  Individuals will have the opportunity to talk with an educator, receive basic overdose information and brief training to administer the Narcan.


(See our FAQ’s page to learn more about Narcan education and facts)

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