Client Stories

“When I first got here, I wasn’t really ready, I was out of work and my whole life had revolved around using. I was depressed and hopeless.  As time went on, the structure really helped, having to come to the clinic every day and meet with my counselor made me accountable.  Now, I have a family, am gainfully employed and am really happy in my life. I have really appreciated my counseling and the support of MTC staff. “

“My MTC counselor is really great and has believed in me and my ability to recover.”

“This place is special- the staff are professional and friendly- from the doctors, nurses to the counseling staff.  I don’t know where I would be without this place.”

“I heard about MTC through a friend and decided to give it a try because nothing else had worked.  I didn’t think that Methadone would work for me.  What I didn’t know was that Methadone helps with cravings and when the dose is right, you just feel normal!  The counseling has been great- someone who really understands and is there to support me at my own pace.  Even when I have relapsed, my counselor never made me feel bad.  She helped me see that even being able to talk about my use meant that my recovery was strong.  My life has changed as a result of being at MTC- I’m glad I made the decision.”


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1466 Lincoln Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901-2021


Office Hours

M-F: 8am - 4pm

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