Marin Treatment Center Values

Vision Statement

Marin Treatment Center strives to help our clients take control of their own lives. We focus on helping our clients care for their own physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual needs. Our clinical staff helps our clients build self-respect and a sense of personal worth.

Core Values

Substance Dependence is a disease of the spirit, mind and body. As such, we must treat our clients with this in mind. The most important value at Marin Treatment Center (MTC) is to provide quality addiction treatment services and mental health services consistent with the best practices in the field, and to address holistically the full range of client issues and needs for recovery. To these ends, MTC embraces the following core values:

  • We treat consumers of MTC services with the utmost level of respect, dignity, and confidentiality. We provide courteous and responsive service in a highly professional manner.
  • We ensure that all persons served at MTC will have access to services in a manner that allows them to achieve optimal outcomes in their physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual capacities.
  • We provide quality addiction treatment and mental health services that are holistic to the recovery of each individual; that are client-driven, culturally sensitive, and based upon informed choice.
  • We tailor services in a manner that builds on the strengths, needs, abilities and preferences of the clients and communities served.
  • We build and strengthen family and community support structures that assist clients in making personal changes, allowing them to re-integrate into the community in personally meaningful and satisfying ways.
  • We serve a diverse client base, with particular emphasis on the indigent and working poor, and on individualized treatment approaches.


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1466 Lincoln Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901-2021


Office Hours

M-F: 8am - 4pm

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